Thursday, August 27, 2009

Why Use Hypnosis?

The benefits of hypnosis

Nowadays, ever increasing numbers of people are utilizing natural practices because they know that our modern times are causing them too much stress. Of all the means of relaxation and stress management out there, more and more people are looking to experience the benefits hypnosis offers. [One thing to note, all forms of hypnosis are really self hypnosis, as whether you are using hypnosis with a clinical hypnotherapist or on your own, you are always in control of what is occurring.]

Due to its effectiveness in terms of calming the mind and developing a person's level of relaxation and intuitive focus, hypnosis is now being performed not just a means of clearing the mind and inner reflection but also to heal various illnesses in the mind, emotions, and physical aspects.

Self hypnosis and its benefits

One of the most celebrated benefits of self hypnosis is that it greatly helps the person's physical well being. By learning to develop deep states of relaxation and focus, self hypnosis benefits many systems in the body including the heart. By initiating a period of deep rest hypnosis decreases the person's metabolic rate as well as the heart rate, which leads to the reduction of workload for the heart. Also, self hypnosis can lower the levels of a person's cortisol as well as dissolving the chemicals closely associated with everyday stress.

Other physical benefits of self hypnosis include; reducing free radicals in the body by eliminating oxygen molecules that are unstable, decreasing high blood pressure, improving air flow to the lungs to aid easy breathing, and delaying biological aging in people.

When it comes to psychological factors, self hypnosis aids in increasing the person's brain wave coherence, decreasing anxiety levels, irritability, depression, mood swings, improving memory and learning ability, increasing the person's ability for self-actualization, and the feeling of youthfulness and rejuvenation as well as vitality. This leads to more positive joyful outlooks in life, while improving a person's emotional status and stability.

The list goes on about the benefits of self hypnosis in an individual, which in turn benefits their family and his or her community. Working with a professional hypnotherapist is the best way for people to maximize their efforts and attain the best results.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Mind Body Connection and Health - How is Your's??

One of the things I love best about my work as a clinical hypnotherapist is the opportunity to assist clients to create new perceptions and beliefs about themselves, their lives, and what is possible. There is so much power and potential held in our minds! How we feel about the direction our life is taking and what we believe we can do (or can't do) - all of this not only impacts the emotional and mental experience we have of our life, but also our physical health! Hypnosis streamlines and smooths the way for tapping into all that potential and growing a life you love. Check out this 1 mintue video for more information; Noetic Science 1 Minute Shift Let me know what you think, and if you are ready to make some shifts, I'm here.

Monday, April 27, 2009

New blog post today on shifting from surviving to thriving:

From Surviving to Thriving

There is so much happening in the world that is negative, and all of it gets the spotlight in our news and media. It can truly feel like the sky is falling at times! Logically we know it can't really be all bad news - so how do we shift our attention off of the negative and build the positive? Is it really possible?
I believe it is not only possible it is imperative! Do you remember the story of the secret garden? Initially it looked dead, choaked by weeds and neglect. But with some attention and love it bloomed again. Our lives, just like nature, flow in cycles. Tho we don't get to choose what comes to us we can choose how we want to respond.
No matter how gray and dark things can become they can bloom again! It is possible to move from just surviving to thriving even if the outer circumstances stay the same. We all go through challenging times - the difference between those who thrive and those who survive (often barely) is outlook and choice. Choose to not let the world and it's woes, or even your woes, define who you are and how you are going to experience your life.
Here are 3 steps to help
  1. Turn off the TV and radio news! On the internet - change your settings on your home page for positive fun things, and turn off the news slide show! Yes it really is possible. Get the headlines only (put them on the bottom of the page where you can look at them when you want to), and then only read what is really important for you to know.
  2. Make a list of what increases happiness and joy for you - and then do at least 1 per day. It doesn't have to be fancy or costly. Maybe it is watching a beautiful sunset, taking a walk and noticing how spring is blooming all around, or spending time with a loved one (pets qualify!). Listen to upbeat music and sing along! It is hard to stay down or grumpy when you are singing. Research shows that singing even strenthens your immune system. It doesn't even have to be good singing!
  3. Look for things to appreciate and be grateful for during your day. Then on your way to sleep at night think of at least 3 things you are grateful for. Again simple stuff. After a hard day, 1 of them could be that you get to go to sleep in your wonderful bed and let go of the day!

I want to challenge us all to make some new conscious choices. Are you up for the challenge? Practice these 3 steps for 1 - 2 weeks and notice what is happening in your life and world, and report them back here as a comment. The shifts may surprise you! After all what have you got to lose?

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Intention Experiments

In my practice I use intentions regularly to assist clients in making shifts in their lives and moving out of old patterns that no longer serve them. It is exciting to learn the how controlled scientific experiments are now being used to uncover and explore the power of intentions. Thousands of volunteers around the world have participated in Intention Experiments so far. Lynne McTaggart, architect of the experiments, is working with leading physicists and psychologists from the University of Arizona, Princeton University, the International Institute of Biophysics, Cambridge University and the Institute of Noetic Sciences. She has written a book detailing the results on these experiments - "The Intention Experiment". Use the following link to learn more - The Experiments Posted using ShareThis