Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hypnosis Research Finds Hypnosis Really Changes Your Brain

Article from a 2004 issue of New Scientist: "Hypnosis is more than just a party trick, it measurably changes how the brain works, says a UK researcher."

"Hypnosis significantly affects the activity in a part of the brain responsible for detecting and responding to errors, says John Gruzelier, a psychologist at Imperial College in London. Using functional brain imaging, he also found that hypnosis affects an area that controls higher level executive functions." Click here to read the full article.

I'm always thrilled to come across articles on evidence based information on the effectiveness of hypnosis! There is some fascinating research over the past several years using functional MRI.

The research they are talking about in this article reflects what I've seen with clients in terms of increasing their ability to make positive changes in how they respond to life's stressors and reducing their perception of pain. All of this is helpful for any positive changes you are wanting to make in your life, including pain adn discomfort with medical treatments, managing stress, and much more.

To your best life!