Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hypnosis - Think Yourself Thin??

Great article today from ABC Channel 7 in Denver, Colorado: "Can your mind control your health? Researchers at Harvard say 75 percent of all disease could be impacted by a better relationship between the mind and body. So if your mind can make you sick, can it also make you better? From healing faster to controlling pain to losing weight, some believe we can think ourselves healthy." Click here to read the full article.

My Comments: Hypnosis/hypnotherapy is a very powerful tool in creating a better relationship between the mind and body. This article gives some great examples of how hypnosis can assist people in accessing the power of the mind body connection. Scientists in health research are just beginning to discover the impact the mind has on our health and bodies.  Even more importantly, the power the mind has to help heal the body, and/or change habits that are impacting our health.

What I have found in my working with clients, is the how is different for each person. What is causing or pushing the issue(s) they are hoping to change?  Is it general stress? Childhood wounds or traumas? Anger management? Maybe a life challenge that is haunting their thoughts and impacting their body?  Finding that piece, (which is very do-able with hypnosis), and then replacing it with new life skills ease the path to changing behaviors and improving the body's health.  This is true whether you are wanting to lose weight, stop smoking, reduce social anxiety, improve outcomes on surgery, and more.

It can seem like magic, when really it is learning to access the power of the mind to heal and change thoughts, and create the healthier relationship with the body. This is the foundation for positive changes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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Best wishes